Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Michigan Health Care

A while back it was asked on one of the Michigan Blogs what we should be fighting for now that the 2006 election is over. Well, I vote for universal health care. This is something that is way past due and will become even more of an issue if (and most likely when) more high paying manufacturing jobs move out of the state (and the country for that matter). If a plan was devised that could save employers money on health care, we could see more new jobs created here.

Now would be a great time to take up this fight, as it seems we may have some help now - Joe Schwarz. He is working on a plan to create a new board appointed by the Governor and the Legislature to create a universal health care system for the state.

We need to get behind the idea of universal health care. We need to blog about it, write to our representatives, and we need to make those in Lansing know that this is an important issue to a lot of people in our state.

There is some talk of universal health care at the national level, but we shouldn't wait. Michigan needs a shot in the arm right now.

This is an issue that I really care about, and an issue that I think needs all the help that it can get. Maybe this issue needs it's own blog. I would offer to start it up, but I don't really have the health care knownledge to do it justice.

Article on Mr. Schwarz and Health Care

1 comment:

vector56 said...

I am currently enrolled in Michigan's "high risk" health insurance pool. I pay $560 per month plus a 20% deductible and co-pays. Personally, we (wife and I) are trying to hold on until Obamacare kicks in and we can buy into a State or Federal Health exchange. Like most, I would prefer Single Payer or a Public Option, but Guys like Chuck Grassely and Max Baucus made sure that would never happen on their watch.