Friday, October 13, 2006

The Great American Scapegoat

I think it is very interesting that Bill Clinton is getting so much attention lately. If you listen to what the Republican spin machine is spitting out, Bill Clinton must be the devil himself. He has been blamed for both 9/11 and now North Korea. And now the Republican congress is calling for in investigation of Clinton's National Security Adviser Sandy Berger about a case that been over for almost a year and a half.

Why this sudden interest in Clinton? Was is because of his appearance on Fox News? That might be part of it, but I think a very very small part. So what could it be then? The reason seams pretty clear to me, the Republicans need to get the attention away from them since it seems like everything that have touched in the last six years has went wrong.

This isn't just about the need for a scapegoat. American politics have made a move to the right since Mr. W. Bush has come to office. Most American's though aren't as right leaning as Carl Rove has thought that they were. So when it comes to the important issues they know that they aren't in line the way that most American's think. So they have to skirt the issues. They have to bring the conversation back to the things the that Republicans think they have the upper hand in, morals and the war on terror (goes to should how truly out of touch they are with the American people that think they have the upper hand in those areas).

And why not Clinton? He was a president that was well liked by most people, the economy booming, we had a surplus instead of massive debt; times were good when he was the president. I mean come on isn't it just easier to blame the last guy for everything?

Really, though why should this surprise anyone? The executive branch hasn't even come clean when they were caught in the act. Man up, admit that you have been wrong in the past and that things need to change Mr. President. If you do, people will respect you more; your approval ratings won't go up, but you'll be a bigger man for it.

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